YEAH! We started on soft chewables today. They are giving Rachel 5 pieces of soft food (puffs, french toast, cracker pieces) before each meal now. She's doing awesome! She actually does better with the pieces than with some of the mashed foods. But she also had a light bulb moment this morning...or maybe it was yesterday - the days all blend together. She was eating something mashed and she swallowed it quickly. She looked at me and said, "Mom, I don't even have to chew it." YES - that's what we have been trying to get her to realize for a week. She has been so afraid of the texture of mashed foods that she felt she had to chew it for a few minutes to be able to swallow it. And she was wearing herself out doing that. Now that she realizes it's OK to swallow small pieces of food whole, she can progress through the meal without getting tired. And the experts are willing to add more volume and the next level of food (soft chewables) to her routine. BIG STEP!!!!!
I can't believe how much progress she has made. I wish I could be there with both of you! Only three more days until we get back to some type of normal life. The boys miss both of you.
We miss you tons! You are a strong and brave little girl and you will make everyone proud! You can do it! Keep up the great work:)
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